Impact Of Biomass Fuel On Health And Willingness To Pay For Improved Cooking System: A Case Study Of Rural Areas Of District Khairpur

The use of biomass fuel is very common in developing countries. Burning of biomass fuel plays an instant role in damaging the climate as well as it leads to the occurrence of many dangerous diseases among people and the residents of village Wada Bhellar are no exception. This study is an effort to reveal the impact of biomass fuel on people’s health of village Wada Bhellar, and the residents’ willingness to adapt from traditional stove to improved stove (Energy-efficient cookingstoves). The data has been collected from 72 houses out of 450 houses in the selected area of district Khairpur. The results illustrate that the respondents are willing to switch to improved stoves due to the negative impacts of traditional stoves on health and the environment. Furthermore, the study shows that there is a significant relationship between health costs and the use of biomass fuel for heating and cooking purposes. The results revealed that the incidence of diseases such as Asthma, T.B, Skin irritation, eye irritation, and some others is higher among females and children. The overall results show that there is a direct proportional relationship between health cost and the use of biomass fuel. So the people be made aware of negative health impacts on the use of biomass fuel and by adopting some policies these biomass fuel problems can be solved. Supervisor:- Dr. Rehana Siddiqui

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Author: Mir Muhammad
Supervisor: Rehana Siddiqui

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