Governance Problems in State Owned Enterprises: A Case Study of Pakistan Television Corporation

Pakistan has a lengthy list of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Some of them have been running losses of billions of rupees each year. There are various reasons behind the losses suffered by SOEs, with nepotism, corruption, and governance challenges amongst the top. This research investigates one of Pakistan’s most strategically important SOE – Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV). The purpose of the dissertation is to study the governance challenges facing PTV, with Human Resource Management (HRM) being the focus. PTV is the national broadcaster and was the only TV channel in Pakistan before the rise of private media channels. However, PTV is now churning losses. Using semi-structured interviews and review of several documents, the research has found several HRM issues in PTV. A few of them include nepotism, illegal appointments, lack of training, and outdated promotion criteria. Fortunately, these issues can be resolved by carefully following the recommendations outlined in this study. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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Author: Moneeb Ahmad Barlas
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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