Use of Neuro-Market Approach to Provide Better Marketing Proposition for Banking Products/ Financial Banking Accounts to Solve Issue of Financial Inclusion
The central focus of this effort is to link the use of neuromarketing approach towards issue of low awareness relate to financial inclusion in Pakistan. This research aims to provide various market stimuli in form of themes or categories from expert’s opinions. Which is suggested to be use for analyzing customers by linking it to the neuromarket technique that will capture accurate brain insights. For getting refine stimuli initially the study is based on designing semi-structure interviews, which is formed on basis of studied literature along with other observations. Then by using case study method eight detail interviews are conducted from parent companies or middle companies between authorities and microfinance banks the commercial banks. After data collection thematic analysis is performed to abstract themes or indexes from edited transcripts. Five broad categories are formed where each separate category composed of further subtopics. The categories of study are “Service quality, Banking environment, Basic financial educations, Changing advertising themes, and Uniform technology platform”. At last this study suggest framework base on identified categories for future testation, while using neuromarket technique as investigating instrument place at position of organism stage of S-O-R model. The choice of selecting among these techniques will depend upon requirement and management concerns by the practitioners. After identifying reasons for low inclusion, practitioners will be able to filter the gaps in existing messages provided by them. Positive and negative responses identify by analyzing brain insights will help them to design better marketing propositions while communicating to concern audience. Supervisor:- Dr. Nadeem Ahmed Khan
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