Participation of Women in Informal Economy: A Case Study of Rawalpind
Women within developing economies often have choice of getting involved in informal economy in order to overcome various challenges and barriers to formal workforce participation. The present study is focusing on the participation of female in informal economy in Pakistan. The data has been taken through interviews. An exploratory survey was conducted to get demographic data, and information about the push factors, advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats to women’s working in informal sector. A combination of snowball and purposive sampling is used. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the interview data along with some thematic based questions. The study has tried to explore the push factors determining the entry and stay of female workers in the informal economy. The results shows that necessity, preference of their own and lack of opportunities in formal sector are necessary and key for the entry and stay of entrepreneurs. Along with this the attractive factors of the informal economy and unattractive factors of the formal economy e.g. degree of excessive regulations emerged as essential push factors. The results revealed that informal sector female workers tend to be both necessity and opportunity driven. They are contributing a handsome amount to their family income and got involved in this sector based on their own choice. Job insecurity is cited as big challenge that they want to be fixed by government.
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