The Impact Of Technical Vocattional Education And Training (TVET) On Employment Among Youth In Pakistan: A Counterfactual Analysis
The purpose of this study is to explore the role of TVET (Technical Vocational Education and training) on employment among youth in Pakistan. By adopting quantitative method, this study will assist in comparing the level of employment among those who get technical education (treatment group) with those who did not get technical education (control group) from any technical institution. This study has also used different factors influence on the decision of getting technical skills like male gender, low dependency ratio, medium dependency ratio, province (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Baluchistan), intermediate but below degree, matric but below intermediate, middle but below matric, literate head of household, age of head of household, employed head of household, region (rural/urban). Employment is analyzed by using different indicators: total hours weekly earning, wages, employment level, paid employees, employer, self-employed. The result of the analysis proposed that youth who get technical training are significantly more secure in getting employment than those who did not get any technical training. Likewise, the effect of technical education on each indicator of employment produced similar statistically significant result. The measure of average treatment effect expressed that if technically trained youth have had not got technical skills then what would have the condition of employment. Fortunately, this measure is indicating that technically trained youth are better off than non-trainees even if they had not getting any training they would still have relatively more benefit than actual non-trainees in the population. This research suggested that soft skills should be added in the curriculum of technical training. Moreover, public private partnership in the provision of technical training is effective to gain the desire result of training. Supervisor:- Dr. Nasir Iqbal
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