The Effect of Pesticides on Farmer Health

Pesticides are toxic substances and their adverse effect on human nature is quite considerable, especially, for the farmers who are extremely prone to these substances which ultimately effects their health. Excessive use of pesticides is relatively prevalent in the targeted area of this study despite the fact very little attention has been paid to examine the issue analytically. This study conducted in swat, a district of Pakistan because a greater part of the swat economy is dependent on agriculture. The study investigates the effects of pesticide use on farmer health in a particular area. This study also evaluates the level of understanding of the said area farmers regarding the use and effects of pesticides. The quantitative research approach is adopted in this specific study. The Data is collected from 65 respondents through a multistage sampling technique while a structured questionnaire is used for this purpose. The collected data is analyzed through descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. The study finds that common pesticide Methomyl is mostly used by farmers which is (36.9%). Another substance Paraquat which is moderately hazardous herbicides have been used by (18.5%) of the total targeted population. The majority of farmers almost (69.2%) divulged that they are affected by pesticides. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jahangir khan

Meta Data

Author: Hysam Haleem
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan
Keywords : Farmers, Health effects, logit regression, Pesticides use

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