Integrated Marketing Communication and Tourism Industry in Pakistan: Content Analysis of Tourism Promotional Campaigns
Tourism industry is considered as the leading economic booster for developing country. Pakistan being rich with cultural, religious and heritage tourism destinations is always on the visit list of tourists. The conversion of those prospected tourists requires information sharing through marketing campaigns. Those campaigns are always dependent on their contents. This study looks into the implementation efforts formerly done for effective use of content in promotional campaigns and integration of those content over marketing communication channels in tourism industry in Pakistan. A decade long data is collected though Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) a national tourism body responsible for the promotion of Pakistan tourism nationally and internationally. This research is conducted under the interpretivism approach on the methodology of latent summative content analysis followed by consolidated thematic analysis. Latent summative content analysis is used to identify the words or contents in the text, and interpret the underlining meaning of those contents. The results of the content analysis and thematic analysis of the data has revealed that contents of the promotional campaigns are not creating the impact on the creation of audience attention towards them. There is dare need of redefining marketing strategies and restructuring the content of the promotional campaigns accordingly. The collaborative efforts of the PTDC are very rarely seen in their marketing communications. The comparative analysis of the study stresses on redirecting the preferential focus of the marketing strategist of the PTDC towards their content redeveloping and restructuring their IMC collaborative efforts in order to create the effective marketing communication materials for the growth and improvement of the tourism industry. Supervisor:- Ms. Fizzah Khalid Butt
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