Finding Out the Obstacles Faced by Girls in Their Pursuit of Higher Education. Evidence from Upper Dir, KPK
This study is delineated to investigate the main obstacles faced by females in pursuing higher level of studies in the locale upper Dir. The main objective of carrying out this study was to find out different socio-cultural practices which leads to drop out of many girls at secondary level; To investigate the factors due to which most girls drop-out in Upper Dir; To examine the role of stakeholders to cop up the problem of this increasing dropout rate and to find out the policies of government to increase the enrolment rate of girls in secondary level. Simply the basic aim of conducting this research was to find out the main obstacle which girls are facing in their persuading of the quest for higher education. In conducting this study, descriptive research design was used and focus group discussion and semi structured interviews were conducted during data collection process. This study concluded with sample size consisting of total 59 participants from different tehsils and villages of upper Dir. The selection of the interviews with the above participant’s ware done using purposive and convenient sampling techniques based on the topic and locale where the research was being carried out. After the collection of data from the field then data was analyzed using memo writing and transcription and doing thematic analysis. The main uncovering result from this research showed that there lie some major obstacles like economic factors, educational factors and religious factors that are restricting girls in their pursuit of higher education at upper Dir tehsil. To counteract these major obstacles, it is recommended that government should make some immediate policy making, awareness campaign to sort out the issues in higher education for girls in the aforesaid district. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan
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