Impact Of Urban Sprawl On Agricultural Land And Food Security In District Mandi Bahauddin

Formation of new cities and transformations of old cities are the consequences of the development process that took place in last fifty years. This phenomenon took the name of urbanization and suburbanization. This process of urbanization and sub-urbanization influenced agriculture, as agricultural lands near the cities are being affected by urban sprawl. This study is an attempt to discover the relationship between urbanization and agricultural land conversion in district Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab. This study used both primary and secondary data. Interviews were conducted for primary data collection with the sample size 20. The participants of interviews were landlords and members of local administration, while secondary data was collected through GIS. People preferred their agriculture land conversion in the urban area owing to low agriculture profits, high quality of living standard, increase in household members, high price of agricultural land in urban areas, and the pressure of property dealers. This study concluded that the land convergence can create food and fiber scarcity for its population boom together with economic, social, and institutional issues. These issues are not city specific rather they can impact the whole nation. Supervisor:- Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Co-Supervisor:- Mr. Aqeel Chaudhry

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Author: Bushra Pervez
Cosupervisor: Aqeel Chaudhry
Supervisor: Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro

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