Impact of Percieved Pricing and Quality of Tourist’s Satisfaction under the Moderation of Tourist’s Advocacy for Economic Viability

This empirical research investigates the economic viability of tourism, based on tourist advocacy and satisfaction predicted by destination price and quality. The target of current study meant to analyze the perceptual impact of destination quality and price on tourist satisfaction under the moderating role of tourist advocacy across tourists. Data collection was conducted through adopted and adapted questionnaires under non- probability convenient sampling technique from domestic tourists visiting Gilgit-Baltistan. Sample size was 200 questionnaires and were fully responded. SPSS was used to analyze the response and results showed that perceived pricing and quality are positively associated with tourist satisfaction. Moreover, tourist advocacy does not moderate the association between perceived quality/price and the tourist satisfaction in the target area. Thus, the theoretical and practical implications were made for policy makers in public and private tourism sector and the tourists based on the findings of this study and recommendations were made accordingly for the future researchers. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Sarmad Co-Supervisor:- Dr. Ayaz Ahmad

Meta Data

Author: Zafar Abbas
Cosupervisor: Ayaz Ahmad
Supervisor: Muhammad Sarmad
Keywords : Domestic Tourist, Perceived pricing, Perceived quality, Tourist Advocacy, Tourist Satisfaction

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