Factors Influencing Growth Of Small Businesses’-a Case Study Of Fruit Vendors In Islamabad

I conducted a qualitative research regarding the factors influencing growth of small businesses of fruit vendors in Islamabad. The targeted population comprised of the owners or managers of small and medium sized fruit vending businesses largely contributing to the fruit industry, a substantial part of Pakistan’s economy. In this research we aim to document the number of registered owners, their socio-economic profile and investigate the factors hindering the growth of these businesses. I used census forms for constructing sample frame for all the vendors and used both open and close-ended questions in review guide. The data collected was analyzed using thematic analysis and framework analysis as the approach in which data was recorded, transcribed, coded, thematically charted and finally themed and/or sub-themed. Major issues hampering their development were financial limitations, competition from other fruit sellers, getting rotten fruits from mandi, lack of education, no to very little government backing and debasement, rented houses etc. Moreover, C.D.A. registration is a hectic process in Islamabad. Other minor issues include borrowing, taxes, lockdown, and bad weather etc. Our findings show that most of the fruit vendors have small families, 1-3 rooms house, no secondary residence and vehicle, work 111-120 hours per week, nominal income ranges from 351k-550k and didn’t finish their high school. A governmental check and balance over large business owners in mandi, subsidies to vendors, educating vendors and C.D.A. providing dedicated places for these markets is a necessary requirement. Further research should be conducted to solve these major problems regarding SMEs in Islamabad. Supervisor:- Dr. Mariam Mohsin

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Author: Shakir Ullah
Supervisor: Mariam Mohsin

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