Impact Of Parental Tobacco Use On Acute Respiratory Infections And Initiation Among Children In Pakistan
The detrimental impact of parental tobacco use on the child health is documented since 90’s for the developed countries but limited literature is available for the developing countries. The study aims to explore the impact of parental tobacco use on Acute respiratory infection (ARI), Mortality, and child smoking initiation. The study employed the nationally representative data of Pakistan Demographic Health Survey (PDHS) 2017-18. Data on Children and household members are employed for multivariate logistics regression. ARI, Mortality and child smoking initiation are taken as dependent variable. While the demographic characters, tobacco use, household and environmental characters are analyzed as independent variables. Among the recognized risk factors, passive smoking, residence type, and poor housing conditions play a fundamental role in children mortality, ARI, and child smoking initiation. Parental tobacco use increases the risk of ARI and mortality among the children. Household income negatively affect the ARI, mortality, and child smoking initiation. The ARI is reduced 9% with each level rise in income but in case of child mortality and child smoking initiation the decline is 17%, and 13%, respectively. With each level rise of mother education, the probability of mortality reduces by 9%. Our empirical findings reveal that child smoking initiation reduces by 2% with each level of mother education. Children having mothers with smoking habits are facing 28% more likely episodes of ARI than the children with nonsmoking mothers. Mother smoking habits also increases the child mortality by 68% compared to the nonsmoking mothers. Supervisor:- Dr. Abedullah
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