Analysis Of Affordability And Accessibiltiy Of Public Transport To Women And Disabled Persons In Islamabad
Accessible, inclusive and affordable public transport is essential in urban and rural spaces to allow people to participate in socio-economic activities and access opportunities necessary for their well-being and survival. This research first looks into existing public transport services, infrastructure and Metro Bus Service with a focus to analyse how transport services are being provided to the people of Islamabad living in urban and rural areas and what measures can be taken to improve the transport services to ensure inclusion of women and disabled persons. For this purpose four locales from rural and urban areas have been selected which includes Bara Kahu, Taramri, G-6 (Aabparah) and G-9 (Karachi Company) respectively, and five Metro Bus Stations were also selected for collecting the data. Qualitative data techniques, with content analysis, observation, semi-structured and unstructured interviews, have been used along with thematic analysis to get the results. Findings show that existing public transport service and infrastructure in Islamabad is creating mobility challenges for women and disabled persons to a greater extent which is leading to social exclusion of both and depriving them of socio-economic opportunities. This research discovers that public transport service and its infrastructure in Islamabad is inaccessible to disabled persons whereas women have to face lot of accessibility issues, harassment, misbehaviour etc. while accessing public transport. However, findings, in this research, reveal that Metro Bus Service in Islamabad is accessible to disabled persons to some extent but still improvement and continuous maintenance is required at the stations. Further, women expressed satisfaction with the MBS and suggested to allocate more space for women in the bus. Lastly, MBS should be extended to all of Islamabad to benefit people specially women and disabled persons. At the end, this research makes suggestions and recommendations to help policymakers and government to improve transport services in Islamabad. Supervisor:- Dr. Rizwan Ul Haq Co -Supervisor:- Fahd Zulfiqar
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