An Application of Contingent Valuation Method for Reduction in Risk of Premature Mortality due to Air Pollution: A case study of Gujranwala, Pakistan

Air pollution is one of the biggest problems that urban world is facing currently as a result of rapid economic growth (Yasmin, 2002). Developing countries especially, facing a huge cost in terms of climate change and health damage as a consequence of increase in air pollution (Lvovsky, 1998). Pakistan too comes in the category of developing countries and its major cities facing the consequences of air pollution as well like others. Most of the air pollutants exceed the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) in primary cities1 of the country (SUPARCO, 2005).Pakistan in primary urban cities had born the annual health cost as a result of particulate air pollution only, around PKR 62-65 billion (World Bank, 2006). The highest portion out of total cost born was of adult premature mortality that is PKR 58-61 billion. Gujranwala, the focused area of this study, is an industrial city2 and in addition to this road transport increased significantly in the city3.Gujranwala is at 27th number in the list of world’s most growing cities4. It falls in the category of secondary cities of Pakistan. Both industry and transport sector results a rapid increase in level of air pollution in the city. Supervisor:- Dr. Usman Mustafa

Meta Data

Author: Abrar Ahmed
Supervisor: Usman Mustafa
Keywords : AIR POLLUTION, Contingent Valuation Method, Gujranwala- Pakistan, Gujranwala-Punujab, Mortality, Risk of Premature Mortality

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