Adaptation to Climate Change and cotton Productivity: A Microeconomic Analysis
Author: Bushra Riaz

Climate Change is one of the growing and a severe concern that covers all the challenges that are being faced by the human being. Specifically the agriculture sector is affected through the climate change. There is lot of literature on the effect of climate change on agriculture crops, estimation techniques were under great debate and many researchers pointed out the problems present in literature. This study used Climate Change Impact Survey 2013 (CCIS,2013) data collected by Pakistan Institute of Development Economics and applied the Heckman Type Treatment Effect Model to investigate the impact of selected adaptation strategies adopted by cotton growers in isolation and portfolio (combination of two or more) on net revenue gained from cotton production in Pakistan. The implemented strategy input intensification (S-3) has a positive and significant impact on net revenue if adapted as isolated or as a part of combination. Amongst all observed beneficial strategies, those farmers who are found adopting input intensification stand-alone (S-3) are gaining more profits as compared to other strategy adapters. The result shows that the impact of temperature and precipitation depends upon the Phenological stage of cotton crop. There are four stages of cotton crop according to growth namely sowing and germination stage, vegetative stage, flowering and fruit formation stage and last one is boll opening stage. The overall effect of temperature on cotton is positive but impact of precipitation on yield of cotton varies according to growth stage. The results found that land fertility, education, age, land ownership, loan, sources of information and family size are determinants of selection of various adaptation strategies. Supervisor:Dr.Muhammad Iqbal

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Keywords : Climate Change, Cotton Productivity, Microeconomic
Supervisor: Muhammad Iqbal

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