A study on school councils’ role in education provision of Disrupted Areas in Khyber: A case of Kohat.

This study aimed to investigate the role of school councils in the improvement of school outcomes with special reference to school councils’ decision space, class level quality, and school councils’ role in accountability in the district Kohat of Khyber Pukhtoon khwa. For this purpose, phenomenological approach of qualitative research methodology was employed to investigate school councils’ actual role on ground for their decision space, class level quality and its role in accountability. The study nature is exploratory as the overall purpose was to explore the role of school councils after enacted act of education in 2017. Phenomenological approach of qualitative methodology was employed because this approach provide opportunity to conduct interviews with those who have lived experiences of the phenomenon. Therefore, based on Creswell (2013) recommendations, in-depth-interviews were conducted with twelve respondents. This study found that school councils have certain level of financial freedom through Taleem fund where members open the joint account in Bank and the fund is transferred to that account where then the members use the finds for school operations. Taleem fund is the package given to school councils after the 2017 act of free education in Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa. This practices of government is much appreciated by the respondents. However, it was also found that fund is not sufficient for smooth operations of schools, campaign for admissions and purchase of other infrastructural facilities for schools. Furthermore, it is found that councils have indirect role in class level quality, students’ punishment is discouraged through councils, Student absenteeism rate in classes is decreased, teachers’ role is more emphasised in increasing students’ learning outcomes, Headmaster of school as a chairman of council is more influential in this case. Further, it is also concluded that school councils have no direct role in teachers’ development, However, NGOs arrange some sort of workshops for students and teachers but which is not the formal practice or policy. At the climax of findings, this study found that in far remote school councils does not exist in far remote areas of district Kohat. In addition to aforementioned conclusion, this study also concluded dropout reasons such as Lack of parents’ participation in student learning. Demotivation of parents for sending children to schools, parental Poverty level, corporal punishment, teacher overall rigid behaviour in class, lack of visionary approaches by parents and teachers regarding students’ career. Lastly, this concluded that school councils have no direct role in accountability of the school system of the province Khyber Pukhtoon khwa. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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Author: Abdul Nasir
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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