Vulnerabilities To Food Security In Barani Area Of Punjab

The very concept of vulnerabilities has threatened the uniqueness of human civilization at global context. The impression of such global changes has affected the most developing nations of the world. Countries like Pakistan are the victims of vulnerabilities like; climate change. This variability’s are becoming the greater threat to the food security issues in developing world. The majority of the developing world is unsuccessful to develop a significant food security strategy(s) at national level. Since food security is one of the most important objectives of our national development strategy and Household food security is the application of this concept to the family level, with individuals within households as the focus of concern. The research focuses on the most important stake of food security which is sustainable agricultural growth; which is more dependent on water availability in right time. This pattern of water is totally reliant on climatic conditions. The concept of food security is not simply a function of production or supply, but of availability, accessibility, stability of supply, affordability and the quality and safety of food. These factors include a broad spectrum of socio-economic issues with great influence on farmers and on the poor households. The majority of the farmers in the Barani region of Punjab are; small-scale farmers. And these farmers are constrained by access to markets, while inputs, such as fertilizers and seed, are expensive. With lack of irrigation water, infrastructure and investments, and low availability of micro-finance combined with dependency on few multinational suppliers, crop production is unlikely to increase in those regions where it is needed the most, unless major policy changes and investments take place. These constraints become insupportable with conflicts and corruption. And above all variations in climate change make it more prone to the victimized communities, which give birth to very many social problems including gender disparities, sanitation and hygiene problems. The research focuses on all such issues in reference to Barani region of province of Punjab Pakistan. In order to determine the vulnerabilities on food securities in the Barani region of Punjab we will be using Christiaensen and Boisvert economic model of vulnerability. We’ll be using Generalize Least Square (GLS) model to determine the level of effect of vulnerabilities to food security issues in respective regions. In this very model we assume that all the cross sectional variability of our crucial variable – dietary energy consumption, measured through kilocalorie – depends on the household’s observable characteristics. This assumption allows us to estimate vulnerability using cross sectional data from a single point in time, thereby limiting data requirements. The study takes household consumption index as proxy of vulnerability. Supervisor:- Dr. Usman Mustafa

Meta Data

Author: Asif Hussain
Supervisor: Usman Mustafa
Keywords : Barani Area, Barani Area-Pakistan, Barani Area-Punjab, Food Security, Vulnerabilities

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