Understanding Performance Appraisal System: A Case Study Of The Civil Secretariat Of Gilgit- Baltistan

This study was aimed at examining the impact of performance appraisal on employee performance with the moderating role of supervisor support in the relationship between performance appraisal and employee performance. For this purpose, a qualitative research method was used. Data was collected in duration of two months from different departments of Civil Secretariat of Gilgit-Baltistan. Primarily 10 interviews were conducted, and finally it has been extended to 25 consecutively to meet the point of saturation and give a fair observation on the area under discussion. All the interviews were conducted with earlier appointment from interviewees at their office. As per direction from literature review no interview goes beyond the 30 minutes time. All the interviews were tape recorded for further examination and transcription. The study concludes that first, Supervisor Support plays a moderating role between the performance appraisal system and employee performance in the Civil Secretariat of Gilgit-Baltistan. Secondly, to improve the performance of an employee, there should be improvements in the Performance appraisal System. And finally, As the Supervisor’s support increases the performance of the employee increases. This research may be used as a tool to fix the flaws in performance evaluation system, Annual Confidential Report (ACR) and Performance Assessment Reports of Civil Secretariat of Gilgit-Baltistan. This research is guideline for the public sector to check and consult the outcomes from this research. Supervisor:- Dr. Mariam Mohsin

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Author: Ishfaq Hussain
Supervisor: Mariam Mohsin

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