The Social Normalization Of Deviant Behaviors And Moral Decay In Educational System: A Case Study Of Public Universities In Islamabad

This study has conducted an analysis of the status of the negligence of perfect duties and social normalization of deviance to assess the potential threat of moral decay. Moreover, this study has applied mixedmethods to examine our research problem in both qualitative and quantitative dimensions. In the quantitative part of the study we observed that deviant behaviors are more or less prevalent in all focused universities, and among all, in the prevalence of deviant behaviors as well as social normalization of deviant behaviors the Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences & Technology (FUUAST) stands first, Quaid-i-Azam University remained second, International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) came third, National Defence University (NDU), and COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) came fourth and fifth respectively. Likewise, quantitative results have also shown that the social normalization of deviant behaviors is still low in these five campuses as the majority of our respondents suggested that their campus condemn and take serious actions against deviant behaviors. Our qualitative results suggest three different conclusions: (1) the deviant behaviors are growing (2) the deviant behaviors are gradually decreasing (3) the deviant behaviors are more or less stagnant over the years but the most held perspective was that the deviant behaviors are growing due to rising number hostellers, weak monitoring and accountability mechanisms, personal problems, the family issues, socioeconomic issues, peer group effect and negative externalities of technological advancements.Based on the overall results of the investigated campuses, the study concluded that the tertiary education system in Islamabad is still away from moral decay as the examination of five different universities in Islamabad has reported that social normalization of deviant behaviors is still at low levels. However, the concerning thing is that a greater portion of our respondents reported that the deviant behaviors rising over the years thus we can say that our universities are slowly moving towards the potential threat of moral decay. Finally, the research recommends, promotion of religious and spiritual affairs within campuses, enhancing moral counseling and leadership capacity of peers, organizing a disciplinary and legal structure within campuses, and incorporating at least one course of moral education in (BS) bachelors programs. Supervisor:- Dr. Usman Ahmad Co-Supervisor:-Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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Author: Arbab Taimoor Khan
Cosupervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan
Supervisor: Usman Ahmad

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