The Role Of Pluralistic Educational System In Pakistan In Creating And Reinforcing Oppressive Class Structure In The Larger Society: A Case Study Of Lahore
The research on which this dissertation is based utilizes primary data. The field work for this dissertation was carried out in four schools of schools namely; Lahore Grammar School Paragon City, Lahore Grammar School (Landmark) Shalimar Town Branch, Govt. Boys High School Model Town Lahore and Government Girls High School Glucan e Ravi Lahore. The methods employed to collect primary data include Participant Observation, Interview Guides, Interview Schedules and Census Forms. The units of data collection for this research are a) students and teachers of selected schools, b) parents of the sampled students from each school, c) sampled functionaries of government and non-government bodies addressing policy making in the country and d) potential employers of the graduates of the selected schools. Another unit of data collection for this research is education policy documents of the country. In this research, the scholar has tried to figure out the relationship between privatization of education in Pakistan and emergence and reinforcement of the pluralistic education system. The other two concerns of this research include the issue of our pluralistic education system maintains exploitative economic class structure in the country and how that affects the future socio-economic prospects of the children belonging different classes. Supervisor:- Dr. Huma Haque
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