The Role of Local Community in Tourism Development in Murree

This research aims to explore the role of local community in tourism development in Murree, Pakistan. The key objective of the study is to examine the perception’ awareness and participation of local community in promoting tourism development. For this investigation data collected from 51 respondents including residents, tourists and tourism department. Semi-structured interviews method was used in data collection. Furthermore, participant observation also used as second method to check the validity of data. The results of the study exposed that overall perception of locals about tourists and tourism is positive. Community is fully aware about tourism and their advantages, they considered tourism more in economic sense than social or behavioral sense. Outcomes of the study confirmed the absence of participation of local community and government to encourage tourism. Based on the findings of the study policymakers and government should facilitate the locals by providing them education institutions and platforms for event organizing, sport festivals and cultural festival to promote tourism in community. Supervisor:- Dr. Usman Ahmad Co-Supervisor:- Hafiz Hanzla Jalil

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Author: Muhammad Asad Ul Rehman
Cosupervisor: Hafiz Hanzla Jalil
Supervisor: Usman Ahmad

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