The Impact Of Privatization On Financial Performance Of Non-financial Sectors In Pakistan

Privatization for both developing and developed economies has been a vital component for programs of structural reform. Privatization is a progression that every government from 1988 in Pakistan has been undertaking with the core aim to lessen the fiscal burden along with the encouragement of competitiveness, enhancement of employment rate, and improvement of products and services quality. Privatization influences the financial performance and for successful privatization, the privatized unit’s financial performance must improve. In this context, we analyze privatization impact on the financial performance of six non – financial sectors privatized units and evaluate which sector’s privatized units have become more financially efficient after privatization in terms of profitability, liquidity, leverage, management efficiency, and output in Pakistan. Secondary data has been used and matched pair methodology has been employed along graphs to acquire the results. In the study, sectorial analysis results obtained are mixed. In terms of financial efficiency cement, automobile, fertilizer, and chemical sectors favored the privatization of SOE in sector contrary to the energy and engineering sectors. However, despite the mixed results, the overall sectors analysis illustrated improvement in performance. Our analysis also sheds light on the adoption of approach instead of privatization followed by China of enticing along with private, foreign investors through less costly incentives to set up a new industry that would progressively concentrate the extent of public sector enterprises in the sectors where financial performance deteriorates after privatization. Supervisor:- Dr. Karim Khan

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Author: Sara Israr
Supervisor: Karim Khan

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