The impact of local government on service delivery A case study of Islamabad

This study identifies the perceptions of voters and service delivery gaps after the local body elections to measure the impact of local governance in the Islamabad Capital Territory. The idea belongs to the benefits of local government for citizens in which they can achieve satisfaction. Earlier studies are impotent to explain various aspects of local government and democracy as the impact of local government in Islamabad and voters’ satisfactions after local body elections 2015 has not been measured, which is a gap identified into the reviewed literature. Primary data is captured after selecting one of the union councils of the Islamabad Capital Territory by adopting a quantitative method to analyze the benefits of decentralization in democracy. The data is obtained on the Likert Scale Card from citizens of selected Council for analysis in the preview of expectation-confirmation theory which is set to show the satisfaction level of citizens from the local government. The results, numerically, show dissatisfaction, but various attributes are related to these results, including the lack of resources that observed during qualitative data. Less resentment is found in those indicators where financial resources are not required, so the local representatives are not entirely responsible for dissatisfied results of the theory. Despite dissatisfaction, a positive impact of local government appears so the steps to be taken for improvement in fundamental necessity indicators like health, education, and transport, by applying proper resources through local government setup, especially in rural areas. Supervisor:- Dr. Nasir Iqbal

Meta Data

Author: Muhammad Mudassar Farooq
Supervisor: Nasir Iqbal
Keywords : Basic Democracies, E-Government, LOCAL GOVERNMENT, Metropolitan Corporation of Islamabad, Satisfaction Survey, Voter Behaviour

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