The Impact Of Cash Transfer On Women Empowerment: Some Evidence From BISP
The underlying study aims at investigating the impact of cash transfer on women empowerment by employing decision making, voting rights, and women mobility as an indicator of women empowerment for the household data. To analyze this impact Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) has been employed for the study. Each indicator of women empowerment has its characteristics. The data (both beneficiary and not beneficiary) has been collected by BISP in 2016 through an interview survey of both male and female of same household, covering 11,358 household across Pakistan for impact assessment using multi-stage sampling framework. This data set give comprehensive information on environment services, energy and Socioeconomic indicators including poverty, women empowerment, labor market dynamics etc. Various study used this data set to evaluate the impact of BISP on different socio-economic indicators, women empowerment, food security, livelihood strategies and fuel choices. Beyond changes in the household decisions, giving this transfer directly to women will serve to empower women by increasing their economic and social power within the household and society. The finding of the study indicates that there is a positive relationship between cash transfers and women empowerment. BISP cash transfers have positive and significant on women mobility. Results also show that women can go alone for the income generating activities. Overall, the study concluded that access to resources is the most important factor to increase women empowerment Supervisor:- Dr. Nasir Iqbal
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