Socio Economic Cost of Tuberculosis: A Case Study of District Hangu
Tuberculosis is an infectious but curable disease, and increasingly spreading health problems around developing countries. The increase in tuberculosis coupled with difficult economic conditions in developing countries put a lot of pressure on the health budget. In such conditions a cost effective treatment is to be used by the health departments that might provide effective health treatment, at the lowest cost to the patients. Urgent interventions are needed to reduce TB transmission. Pakistan, being under-developed country, the reported cases of tuberculosis are screened. Due to limited screening among registered TB patients; scale-up of surveillance activities, integrating TB and HIV care services, active case finding among key affected populations will have a positive impact on TB-HIV co-infection and disease control. Tuberculosis is an economic burden for Pakistan, and Patients are facing high cost, where the literacy as well as health education is scarce. This research study focused on one specific objective. To inquire the socio-economic cost of Tuberculosis among the Tuberculosis Patients of district Hangu. This study probed two type of costs, social and economic cost by quantitative method. Questionnaire were designed for collection of data from the respondents. Descriptive research design was used for this study, Purposive random sampling was used for all unit of data collection. Major findings of the study showed that patients bear more cost in the form of direct, indirect cost and intangible cost. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jahangir Khan
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