Role of Social Health Protection in Universal Health Coverage: A Case Study of Pakistan

The Sustainable Development agenda, which will be driving the development discourse of the world in the next fifteen years, has 17 goals and 169 targets. Goal 3 is related to health and it has 13 targets. Target 3.8 states “Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all”. This target – related to universal health coverage (UHC) is considered the linchpin of all other health targets. Although more than 100 countries across the world are pursuing UHC reforms, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving UHC. It has been recommended that governments should develop approaches that fit the social, economic, demographic, and political context of their countries. In conclusion, the scope of UHC is much more than just health, set with a primary objective of extending quality-assured essential health services in order to improve the health standards of the beneficiaries, without compromising the financial status of the family. Thus, by moving toward UHC through SHP, it will help nations to achieve equity and social inclusion. Supervisor:- Dr. Fazli Hakim Khattak

Meta Data

Author: Hira Siddiqui
Supervisor: Fazli Hakim Khattak
Keywords : Health Coverage, Role of Social Health Protection, Social Health Protection, Social Health Protection in Pakistan, Universal Health Coverage

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