Role of information and Awareness in Environmental Conservation: An Empirical Investigation of Islamabad Consumer’s Green Bag Adoption Behavior
“Plastic Age” is said to be the era of today’s technological world (Thompson et al., 2009b). Widespread of plastic across the globe has been since decades and today researches reveal that it reached 350 million tons per year. Plastic is integral part of today’s society and its reasons are being cheap, durable, and beneficial of plastic. The increasing multiple and extensive usage and consequently dumping It may pose serious adverse effects to society and endanger the ecosystem (Bläsing and Ambling, 2018; Horton et al., 2017), and therefore it becomes a threat to planetary body. (Galloway and Lewis, 2016; Rockström et al., 2009). It is predicted that almost 250,000 tons of plastic in sea is floating (Erikson et al., 2014), consequently affecting marine life directly and humans indirectly, by penetrating into food chain. Moreover, the agriculture sector has been postulated as a consistent source of soil degradation by adding micro plastics (i.e., plastic particles smaller than 5 mm) in soil (Liu et al., 2014; Steinmetz et al., 2016). As most of the gases are prone to producing greenhouse gases when sunlight hits them severely according to the lab experiments. (Royer et al., 2018). Therefore, plastic imposes hazardous multiple impacts on the environment. Usage of plastic can pose serious threat to health and survival of human species, as plastic additives are used in them. (Hodson et al., 2017; Rist et al., 2018; Smith et al., 2018). Unprecedent poison production is another constituent of plastic particles (Peng et al., 2017). Microplastic or plastic engulfed by humans through food are serious causes of danger for human health (Rist et al., 2018). Supervisor:- Dr. Ayaz Ahmad
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