Post 18th Amendment Devolution; Is There a Paradigm Shift in Priorities?

Devolution has been used to improve basic social sector services in many countries. It brings power closer to the people and helps in reshaping the priorities of government. There are numerous studies about devolution and decentralization of power and its impact on education and health. This study concerns the effects of post 18th constitutional amendments devolution in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study focuses on trend analysis and descriptive analysis for both the supply and demand side factors. A total of 53 Key Informants (including Ministers and Secretaries) from the education and health sectors are interviewed for this study. Similarly, valuable insights were obtained from a perception survey from the demand side that also proved to be a counter check on the governments claims. The findings of the study suggest that the 18th constitutional amendment of Pakistan empowers the provinces to practice their own policies in the devolved sectors. There are improvements in their de jure decision space, institutional capacities and accountability that have resulted in improved service delivery. The trend analysis of actual budget expenditure in the two concerned departments was also helpful in determining the priorities of provincial government. The study found out that overall budget expenditure has increased with an increasing trend. This increase helped improve institutional capacities of the government institutions and hence an improved service delivery. The overall impact of 18th constitutional amendment has been positive for the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Supervisor:- Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad

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Author: Mutawakkil Ahmad Abbasi
Supervisor: Iftikhar Ahmad
Keywords : 18TH AMENDMENT, DEVOLUTION, Priorities

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