Health Cost Of Farmers From Pesticides Use In Apple Zone: A Case Study Of Ziarat District (Balochistan)

The study investigates the pesticides use in apple production zone of Ziarat (Balochistan). The primary data was collected from the same group of applicator and farm workers. The study only focuses on the short term health impairment and cost. Regression result from probit and ordinary least square suggests that types of pesticide, personal habits, exposure and toxicity level have significant effects on health. The higher the exposure to most and higher toxic chemical (D-Red and D-Yellow) bigger was the health impairment and cost. The average estimated health cost from the exposure to pesticides is Rs 1065 per season. The policy recommends restricting the most hazardous chemical through taxation, awareness in the consumers and adaptation of international policies can reduce the health cost. Supervisor:- Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad

Meta Data

Author: Atiqullah
Supervisor: Iftikhar Ahmad
Keywords : Apple Zone, Balochistan, Farmers, Health, Pesticides, Ziarat District

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