Performance Evaluation of Pakistan Mutual Funds
This study was aim to know the management effectiveness of open-ended mutual funds in Pakistan to aware fund manager and stakeholders. Many reasons that are separated management effectiveness for both “close ended mutual funds and open-ended mutual funds” i.e. funds flows, size and structure. The study focused on 26 mutual funds from 2012-2018. The diagnostic test revealed Fixed Effect Model is appropriate, for econometric estimation of the given data set. The findings of the study shows that on average the sharp ratio in Pakistan give positive outcomes, which means the mutual fund performance with higher risk have positive return. The coefficients of the variables from fixed effect model showed that total net asset, expense ratio and turnover have significant positive relation with net asset values at 5% and 1% level of significance. Liquidity ratio and age of the mutual fund appeared negative significant association with net asset values which means higher liquidity ratio and more mature fund have indirect relation with net asset values. The findings attract the investors interest to focus on the given relationship of variables and make decision to earn higher profit while public sector need to promote new mutual fund management asset companies such that investors have more options for making profitable business. Supervisor:- Dr. Jalil Ahmed
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