Occupational Health Impacts on Traffic Police: A Case Study of Islamabad and Rawalpindi
Traffic policemen contribute a lot to the community by regulating traffic and ensuring public safety. They compromise on their health since they are constantly exposed to all types of pollution. They are at high risk of developing a number of diseases due to noise, dust, fumes, gasses etc. due to their profession. The aim of this study is to find out the health cost borne by traffic personnel and the factors that determine the likelihood of occupational illness. This cross-sectional study is conducted among the traffic police of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. A convenient sampling method is adopted and a structured questionnaire is used to assess the prevalence of respiratory, auditory, ophthalmic illnesses, use of personal protective gear, and health-seeking practice. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) is used for health cost estimation. The prevalence of cough, red & burning eyes, vision reduction, difficulty in hearing, tinnitus, and ear discharge are found among them. Respondent’s age, work-related factors like working hours, years, and days, use of personal protective equipment are significantly associated with the prevalence of the disease. Police personnel working along the roadside have a high prevalence of occupational illness. Appropriate use of face masks and protective gear can help them against unavoidable pollution. Monthly health checkups and a check & balance on pollution emitting vehicles should be taken to protect precious lives. Supervisor:- Dr. Abedullah Anjum
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