Intergenerational Educational Mobility: Evidence From Pakistan Panel Household Survey
Author: Naila Baig

This dissertation addresses the question of intergenerational educational mobility in Pakistan. There is broad consensus in the literature on the positive effects of paternal social background and educational achievement for both developed and developing countries but this phenomenon has acquired less attention in the context of Pakistan especially when it comes to the direct/causal link between them. Hence, the objective of our study is to scrutinize the extent and pattern of the direct link between father-son educational trajectories. It uses two related methodologies to measure mobility; instrumental variable approach and transition matrix, using Pakistan Panel Household Survey, 2010. To appraise educational mobility across different dimensions of inequality in the country, separate analysis is executed across gender, rural-urban settings and provinces. The results show a despairing situation where father’s educational level highly determines the educational portfolio of children and points significant difference in the extent and pattern of mobility across gender, urban-rural settings, and provinces. This shows worsening long-run inequality of opportunities in these social groups and widening the gap between haves and have-nots. Female, rural children and Baluchistan province are found to be the most vulnerable and main fatalities of pronounced inequality in educational outcomes. Supervisor:- Dr. Sajid Amin Javed

Meta Data

Keywords : Educational Mobility, Household Survey, Pakistan
Supervisor: Sajid Amin Javed

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