Impact Of Visual Merchandising, Store Atmospherics And Sale Promotion On Impulse Buying Behavior
Visual simulation has been there and is significant aspect of retailing by Experts and academic equally for a long time. It is attached with both how the brand or product is aesthetically conveyed to the shoppers. The current study is performed to explore the impact of visual simulation elements such as visual merchandising, store atmospherics and sales promotion on impulse purchasing behavior of shoppers in apparel stores of commercial market Rawalpindi. In addition to that, the moderating role of hedonic motivation was also investigated. A total of 290 respondent’s data were collected from customers in commercial market Rawalpindi using convenience sampling and questionnaire adopted from literatures to meet the respective research objective. Likert scale was applied and the data were then handled using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) where basic statistical tools such as frequency distribution of demographics were highlighted. Descriptive statistics was then applied on focused variables where the key focus was on mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. In final step of analysis, simple regression was applied on the variables that were constructed from different constructs used to identify the prescribed values. Outcome of the data revealed that six of the visual merchandising and store atmospheric elements namely, windows display, color, scent, music, promotional signage and mannequin display were responsible in triggering impulsivity of consumers. While the remaining visual merchandising elements such as lighting, store layout, assortment and floor merchandising did not lead to have significant impact on customer’s impulse buying behavior. The result also revealed that sales promotion has significant impact on consumer’s impulsivity. By putting more emphasis on these visual merchandising elements, the business sector can persuade more customers into their retail outlet, inevitably resulting in enhanced impulse purchase. Supervisor:- Ms. Fizzah Khalid Butt
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