Impact Of Participatory Decision Making On Employee Job Satisfaction
The thesis examines the relationship between participatory decision making and job satisfaction in higher education institute teaching faculty staff. Teacher participation in decision making is one of the recommendations of university based management and of the key characteristics of an effective university. Job Satisfaction is one of the most significant attitudes of the employees of an organization. Job satisfaction used to describe whether the employees are happy, asserted and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. The organizations are challenged, as they have to make the employee’s satisfied in their Job. So they will perform better and consequently organization will achieve their competitive edge. Data were collected through questionnaire and sample size was 98 and the total question was 15 based on two variable, participatory decision making and employee job satisfaction as mentioned above. Data were collected from different departments of three universities, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), Quid e Azam and Urdu Federal University Islamabad. Responses from the study were statistically analyzed and using regression analysis. The result of the study show statistically significant relationship between participatory decision making and job satisfaction of higher education institute teaching faculty staff. The implication of the study shows that if higher teaching faculty participate more in decision making then the teaching faculty job satisfaction will be enhanced. Supervisor:- Dr. Ansir Ali Rajput
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