Impact Of Mobile Phone Marketing Strategies On Brand Awareness And Purchase Intention On Consumers Of Apparel Industry In Islamabad
Mobile phone marketing strategies are considered to be one of effective and low cost marketing tactics to aware customer, generate sales and retain their loyalty. There are various indicators which indicates its relative importance in comparison with other like average time spent by consumers on mobile phone and media with other traditional medium of communication. The current research explain effectiveness of mobile phone marketing strategies and it concludes that, mobile phone marketing strategies are effective enough to generate and increase consumer’s brand awareness in consumers of apparel industry in Islamabad. The research also found mobile phone marketing do generate purchase intention along with brand awareness in consumers of apparel industry in Islamabad. The research also suggest that marketer should focus on addressing right customers with right content to generate brand awareness and purchase intention through mobile phone marketing. There are certain limitations of the current study based on data collected, it is recommended that, scope of research should be stretched to other major cities of Pakistan. Another limitation of study is that, future researcher needs to check impact of mobile phone marketing on post-purchase behavior of customer. Supervisor:- Ms. Fizzah Khalid Butt
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