Impact Of Family Composition On Unmet Need For Family Planning

Family planning has become one of the fundamental pillars of development in recent years and as that is extremely important for ensuring decent life, which encompasses a number of things like welfare of the women, prosperous society, and well-being of the population anywhere across the globe. In developing countries like Pakistan, the unmet need for family planning methods is a major concern that affects development. The main objectives of the study are to investigate the socio-economic determinants, which keeps them from exercising that fundamental right, and explore the characteristics of the women leading them to the Unmet-need for Spacing & Limiting. This study uses the latest cross-sectional data (PDHS) 2017-18. One important feature of this study is obviously a value addition, which you may call added-value study, is the usage of Hackman Model. In the analysis we have applied the Multinomial Hackman Probit Model that can estimate the two probit equations simultaneously: One for socio-economic determinants and the second for characteristics of the women. The results suggested that the socio-economic determinants play a strong role in the characteristics of the women. The results of the multinomial Hackman probit model are more significant than normal multinomial probit models. Family planning initiatives should not solely or exclusively focus birth -controls or childbearing issues, it must also include Child rearing or bringing up issues within its mandate, as this would help curb the social evils like child abuse and underage child marriages. The child-bearing and child-rearing are two components that must walk in tandem under the umbrella of family planning initiatives in our country Supervisor:- Dr.Rizwan-ul-Haq Co-supervisor:- Dr.Suad Ahmad Khan

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Author: Rubab Saleem
Cosupervisor: Suad Ahmad Khan
Supervisor: Rizwan ul Haq

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