Impact Of Environmental Hazards On Child Poverty: A Trend Analysis Of Pakistan
Child poverty is an international problem and policies have been devised at national and international level to deal with the issue. Pakistan has also devised certain policies regarding health care, development and population growth to deal with the problem of child poverty. These policies have resulted in reducing the infant and child mortality rate to the greater extent. However, the problem is not addressed fully yet and needs further consideration of the policy makers. Child poverty is determined through various indirect variables like Infant mortality, Child mortality, Infant morbidity and Child malnutrition. These indicators are further analyzed through different sets of indirect factors like child characteristics, mother characteristics, household characteristics and environmental characteristics. All these characteristics bear individual as well as collective effect on the child poverty directly or indirectly. It is established in the results of this study that in mother characteristics mother education level and working status plays very important role in development of the child. On the other hand, good health care system, normal size of the child with low number of siblings, and higher birth order reduces chances of infant mortality. Similarly, vaccination also plays an important role in the survival of the child. The results also show that the region and province of the household plays important role in reducing child poverty. The families living in urban areas with access to the modern health care system of the Punjab province and Islamabad area are more benefited and there are very few chances of infant and child mortality as compared to the people living in rural areas of Sindh and Baluchistan province. Similarly, the internal household facilities like access to improved drinking water sources, improved toilet facilities, kitchen facility and good financial status of the family also increase chances of infant and child survival Supervisor:- Dr Shujaat Farooq
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