Impact Of Economic, Political And Institutional Variables On Crime Rate In Selected Saarc Countries
Author: Muhammad Mohsin Saleem

Present study is conducted to examine the impact of various economic, political and institutional factors on crime rates for six SAARC countries namely Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Bhutan and Maldives from 1998-2012. For this purpose this study has estimated determinants of crime for total crime and its sub-categories; property crime and violent crime using panel data model and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation technique to deal with endogenity. Empirical findings suggest that unemployment rate, per capita income, political factor and institutional quality all have the significant positive impact on all the categories of crime. While the age dependency ratio has a significant positive impact for two of the three crimes. Both inflation rate and education level has a positive influence on total and property crimes but for violent crimes the study finds a negative impact for both of these variables. As for as concerned with the population density it has a significant positive impact on total and violent crimes and significant negative impact on property crimes. The implications emerge from these findings are that unemployment and inflation rate are the important determinants to increase crime rates and political stability play important role to control crimes in SAARC region Supervisor:- Dr. Attiya Yasmin Javid

Meta Data

Keywords : Institutional Quality, Political Factor, Population density, Property Crime, Total crime, Violent crime
Supervisor: Attiya Yasmin Javid

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