Impact Of Culture On Female Labor Participation: Role Of Religion & Religiosity
Gender discrimination in the form of less female labor participation is one of the major obstacles that hinder the economic growth. This gender discrimination in the form of less female labor participation is needed to be discussed and in this way importance of culture and self-expression values, religious affiliation and religiosity regarding religion can’t be neglected. In this way, this study examines the impact of culture on participation of females in labor force while in the presence of religion and religiosity. This study also investigates the role of religion and religiosity. This study takes the data of most recent wave 2010-2014 of World Value Survey for 53 countries over the worldbased on the availability of data of all considerable variables like female labor force participation, culture & self-expression values, religion, religiosity, marital status, social class, age and education. Study constructs composite index for culture and religiosity by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Culture includes four indicators like as trust, control, tolerance & respect and obedience and similarly religiosity includes three indicators like as participation in religious activities, importance of religions and intensity of belief. Study estimates logit model due to dummy dependent variable (FLFP). This study finds positive impact of culture due to strong positive attitudes of an individual female. Religion also has positive impact on FLFP. Similarly religiosity also has positive impact on the decision of an individual female to join labor force. It is so because more religious woman more punctual regarding her job so, more female participation in labor force. This study indicates that culture, religion and religiosity has important role to the determination of female participation in labor force. Hence, female’s strong positive attitude towards work may lead to increase the participation in labor market and it will play an important role to the economic development of these countries. Supervisor:- Dr. Abdul Jalil
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