Impact Of Capital Regulation On Banks’ Performance: Evidence From Pakistan

This study analyzes the impact of capital regulation and other determinants on the banks’ performance in Pakistan using panel data for the period of 2006-2018. Study period covers three capital regulation regimes i.e. Basel I, II and III and hence, respective minimum capital regulatory ratios are used in construction of proxy of Capital Regulation (capital buffer). To achieve the objective of this study three different Generalized Method of Moment regression equations are estimated each with a different indicator of profitability (Return on assets, Return on equity, Net Interest Margin). Study sample include 37 banks in total. Among these 32 are commercial banks and five are Islamic banks. Results show that the Capital Regulation has crucial role in determining banks performance in Pakistan. In Pakistan’s banking sector, capital regulations are quite supportive to manage bank’s portfolios and act as a catalyst in earning higher profits. Supervisor:- Dr. Uzma Zia Co-Supervisor:- Dr. Jaleel Ahmed Malik

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Author: Saba Ishaq
Cosupervisor: Jaleel Ahmed Malik
Supervisor: Uzma Zia

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