Identification of Green Technologies in Pakistan
The research is focused on the identification of green technologies in Pakistan by using the Patent data of IPO-Pakistan and also find out the green technologies determinants in Pakistan by using the time series analysis from 2005-2017. After a very hectic and lengthy process of identification of green technologies by taking the key informant interviews from some respected teachers across the universities in Pakistan, and practitioner, who are expert in understanding functions of green technologies, 55% of the technologies are green from the 3281 technologies which are registered under the IPO-Pakistan. Similarly, this study also traced out inventor address who registered their innovations in Pakistan. 95% of the patents are invented in developed nations and rest of the 5% are invented in Pakistan that’s mean we are not developing or creating the technologies but transfer these technologies from developed nations. Furthermore, sectoral analysis was also carried out to see which industry dominates green innovation in Pakistan. Pharmaceutical industry dominates the green patent because of its large registered innovations. The identified green technologies, used as a dependent variable in the study is count variable in nature that why we used negative binomial model as there is over dispersion in our data. Furthermore the estimation of time series, the ADF test for checking the stationarity found that the data is mixture of the I(0) and I(1), so solution of this problem found in literature is ARDL-Bound test. The ARDL-Bound test shows the no co-integration among the variables of the study due to limitation of the data as we need minimum 30 values for the estimation of time series but this study has only 13 years data that why it’s a limitation of our study. There is a no long run relationship exist between the determinants of green technologies and registration of green we take the growth rate of all the variables, to become the variables stationary at level. After applying the OLS for level data, we found a positively and negatively statistically insignificant results due to data limitation. For future research large data set may be helpful for getting the significant result. The result of both negative binomial model and OLS seems to be same as both are concluded as there is a need of more protected and strengthened an protected IPR’s legislation system in Pakistan and also there is a need to increase in economic development and economic integration in Pakistan for the registration of green technologies. Supervisor:- Dr. Ghulam Samad
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