Higher Education For Women: A Self empowerment And Gender Perspective

This study is an attempt to understand the intrinsic value of higher education in personal empowerment of women students. It takes into account formal education (curriculum) and extension of formal education (co-curriculum activities) at post-secondary level, in order to gauge its role in raising critical consciousness and enhancing empowerment in women pursuing higher education. This study ”reflects on personal dimension of women empowerment, identifying it through power’s conceptualization, within Women Empowerment Approach and curriculum content as knowledge issue. Theoretically it is based on the model of personal empowerment, along with generative power modes concepts- power-within and power-to. The postmodern school of thought on education, in terms of knowledge, critical consciousness and delivery; is an additive in understanding the role of education for the receivers in this study. Also, gender theory which relates to gender equality in access to education and access in education informs the theoretical base of this study. Employing Explanatory Sequential Research Design, quantitative and qualitative data have been used to expound on the importance of curriculum practices and co-curriculum activities during academic years and their impact on the propagation of women empowerment and critical awareness. Analysis indicates that higher education in Pakistan needs a thorough inspection of content and determination of common goals and targets for achieving true women participation. Supervisor:- Dr. Mina Zulfiqar Ali

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Author: Saira Zafar Khan
Supervisor: Mina Zulfikar Ali

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