Financial Inclusion Through Mobile Money In Pakisan: Analysis Of The Factors Affecting Its Adoption And Usage
This study attempted to investigate the socio-economic and behavioral factors affecting the adoption of mobile money services in Pakistan. Among socio-economic factors, age, gender, income, education, employment status, ownership of bank account and distance to the nearby financial institution were categorized as demand related. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was used for behavioral factors, which were categorized as supply related with additional constructs of Perceived Financial Cost, Perceived trust and Perceived Risk. For the identification of the factors, a self-structured questionnaire was administered to a target sample of 250 respondents who were users and non-users of mobile money services across the four provinces of Pakistan. The analysis of the results revealed that among socio-economic factors Gender, Bank Distance, Education Level and Mobile Money Network are significant in determining the adoption and use of mobile money services in Pakistan. The results highlighted that females are less likely to be the adopters of mobile money due to social influence. Also, the result indicates that in Pakistan mobile money could be adopted by an individual of any age group, irrespective of his income levels, employment status or bank account ownership. Analysis of behavioral factors, which made use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), revealed that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and Perceived Trust are positively significant factors that affect the Behavioral Intention and, Facilitating Conditions positively affects the usage behavior of the people to use mobile money positively. On the Contrary, Perceived Financial Cost and Perceived Risk do not affect the intention to use mobile money. Supervisor:- Dr. Abdul Jalil
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