Exploring Compelling Components Along with Consumer’s Green Food Buying Intention and Intention Behavior Gap in Covid-19 in Pakistan

The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors that facilitate or impede green (organic) purchasing and to explore the factors which affect the factors of Covid-19 consumers’ purchase intention regarding green (organic) food. Primary to a was collected at various green (organic) food stores which are located in Islamabad. The study started with an exploratory exercise, whereby indepth interviews were conducted with seven customers using mall intercept techniques. Thematic analysis was used to examine data. This process facilitated the design of an instrument for the subsequent quantitative study. Using convenience sampling, one hundred and eight responses were collected to measure the effect of different factors including price, perceived value, social values, health consciousness, purchase behaviour, Covid-19 effect on green food purchasing. The smart PLS-03 (SEM) was used for the analyses of is the data. The study results showed that price, perceived value, social values, health consciousness, purchase behaviour, Covid-19 have a positive and significant impact on consumers’ purchase intentions. The finding of this study will help to Improve distribution channels to extend their competitiveness in a green food market in Pakistan. Government should make sure to promote green food in Pakistan that it become affordable for middle-class families, if Government takes attention to green food’s daily price list, providing organic fertilizer, in this way not only increase its production it may also increase consumers’ trust in green food. Supervisor:- Dr Nadeem Ahmed Khan

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Author: Zafia Bibi
Supervisor: Nadeem Ahmed Khan

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