Evaluation Of Non-market Value Of Rohtas Fort

This study aims to evaluate non-market value of Rohtas Fort. This study is based on primary data collected from 200 visitors, selected randomly. The data was obtained through structured questionnaire. For analysis Individual Travel Cost Method, descriptive statistics, priority and satisfaction indices were used. Findings revealed that the annual consumer surplus for an individual visitor was Rs. 7781 while the annual total consumer surplus was Rs. 855.92 million. Consumer surplus can be improved up to Rs. 883.32 million per annum if desired improvements are made. The total recreational (use) value of the Fort was Rs. 1150.45 million and this can be increased to Rs. 1177.85 million if desired services are provided. The major influencing factors of visitation frequency were observed as Travel Cost, Household Income, Age, Household Size, Education and sex dummy followed by their respective coefficients as -0.00134, 0.0000035, -0.039, -0.26, 0.087 and 0.63. The satisfaction index value of 1.1 showed that visitors were highly satisfied for museum as compared to other services. Sample visitors reported dissatisfaction for the waste disposal services, with index value of -1.21. Cleanliness is a major problem faced by visitors with highest priority index value of 0.88. Because on findings of the study, it is recommended that the authority should arrange proper waste disposal system. In addition, the authority should solve the problems of renovation and reconstruction, public parks, parking, maps and direction signs in the Fort, which will ultimately add to the value of the forte. After providing the desired services, the authority would have sufficient resources for renovation and maintenance. The authority can use this estimated consumer surplus to find the optimal entrance fee for the Fort. Supervisor:- Dr Anwar Hussain

Meta Data

Author: Naeem Ahmed
Supervisor: Anwar Hussain
Keywords : Non-market Value, Rohtas Fort

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