Effects Of Meditation On Employee Outcomes: A Meta-analysis

This study examines the effects of “Meditation” on employee outcome through Meta-Analytical procedures. There are very few studies which depicts these effects in organizations or workplace. In this scenario, meta-analysis on this topic being conducting because of two reasons. First, not a single meta-analysis has been seen while reading and searching literature on this topic which is a gap. Second, the purpose is to gather and analyze all qualitative and quantitative articles on topic so that at the complete picture of systematic review of articles can be achieve. Meditation provides capability and familiarity to people to experience patience, so that most people with less awake state of mind and negativity can heal their negative emotions and stop wasting their time (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Ricard, Lutz & Davidson, 2014). Meditation can help to creates smooth and clear stream of thoughts (Sedlmeier et al., 2012; Bond et al., 2009). So, to cover all these differences and misconceptions, I have conducted a meta-analysis of sample: 22 studies, where stress, depression, burnout, related variable anxiety, frustration, and exhaustion clearly be seen less because of meditation practices. On the other side, it does enhance self-kindness, humanity, well- being and pessimistic thoughts. I justify studies by using random effect modeling and theoretical explanation of articles for in-depth clarification. Supervisor:- Dr. Hassan Rasool

Meta Data

Author: Nida Azam
Supervisor: Hassan Rasool

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