Education for Sustainable Development in Pakistan: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices

UN decade „Education for Sustainable Development‟ brought optimism that through education human behaviors can be changed to cope with issues of global concerns such as climate change. Although this optimism is plausible, the question is, Is the incorporation of aspects related to sustainable development in curriculum brings desired changes in their attitude and practices and results in sustainable lifestyle? To investigate this, we assumed that, a formally educated individual already has at least some knowledge of sustainable development concept because in their curriculum imbeds these concepts directly or indirectly. So, we analyzed the curriculum content of primary, secondary, and higher secondary education systems to find those concepts and develop „an ideal type‟ of environmental knowledge, Attitude and Practices that people should ideally have. In additionally, conducted a KAP survey from 1109 respondents of Cambridge and federal system collages of Islamabad to investigate their actual environmental behavior. This study also investigates the impact of self-declared interest on environmental sustainability on environmental attitude and practices, and to investigate difference in the environmental attitude and practices of male and female, public and private students, Cambridge and federal students, and academic disciplines of pre-medical, pre-Eng., Business Studies and Computer Studies. The result of Study shows due to increase in environmental knowledge, environmental attitude increases, but there is no statistically significant relationship between the environmental knowledge and practices. The result of the study also shows the students whose self-declared interests on environmental sustainability are high their environmental attitude and Practices both are high. This study contributes to find out the factors which help to develop interest in individual on environmental sustainability. The study shows the there is no difference in the environmental attitude of male and female, but the environment practices of male are better than the female. There is statistically no difference in the environmental attitude of public and private students, and federal and Cambridge student but the environmental practices of students of public system are better than private system, and environmental practices federal system students are better than the Cambridge system students, and the students who belongs to pre-medical group their environmental attitude and practices are better than students of Business Studies. The students of Pre-Engineering‟s environmental attitude are better than the students of Business Studies, but the environmental practices of both groups are not statistically different. The environmental attitude and practices of Students of Business Studies and Computer Studies are not sadistically different. The environmental attitude and practices of students of Computer Studies and Pre-medical do not have difference similarly the environmental attitude and practices of students of Computer Studies and Pre-Engineering do not have difference. Environmental attitude and practices of Pre- Engineering and Pre-medical groups students are also have not statistically difference. Keyword: Environmental Education, Environment Knowledge, Environmental attitude, Environmental Practices, Self-declared interest on Environment, Cambridge System, Federal System, Gender, Public System and Private System, Academic Disciplines. Supervisor:- Dr. Junaid Alam Memon

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Author: Hina Kanwal
Supervisor: Junaid Alam Memon

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