E-Governance for Good Governance: An Appraisal of KP Citizens’ Portal

The government of KP has launched Citizens’ Portal System, a single android/IOS based complaints lodging system of all departments in 2014, for better public service delivery. Like every intervention, success depends upon the actual implementation of the policy and the impacts it has brought. This research endeavor has analyzed the issues in the portal system from the perspective of complaints and focal persons-public servants whose duty is to receive the complaint and forward it to the respective department in a district. This descriptive, quantitative case-based study has taken two Units of data collection (UDCs): complainants using random sampling and focal persons. Closed ended questionnaires for both UDCs are administered using e-mail survey. 236 complainants and 25 focal persons were inquired for data. The results evidenced that on many indicators, the portal is successful in delivering in its claims to the people of KP. However, there are certain indicators that were not up to the satisfactory level. The successful indicators include: usefulness of the response, ensuring accountability, transparency, overall arrangements of the portal, positive perception of the people on the overall arrangement of the portal and positive attitude of the portal’s staff. Weak indicators were dissatisfaction of the complainants, time duration of complaints redressal and repetition of the complaints. This study also explores invisible factors which create hurdles in complaints redressal, for instance, lack of imposition of penalty, lack of coordination of focal persons with higher ups, absence of training and appropriate remunerations of focal persons. This study recommends mass awareness among citizens about the presence and use of Portal, capacity building of focal persons and a separate dedicated organization for complaints management. Supervisor:-Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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Author: Subhanullah
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan
Keywords : Accountability, E-governance, Good Governance, KP Citizens’ Portal, Transparency

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