Determinants of Earnings per Share-An Application to the Pakistan Market
This study has been conducted with the objective of investigating the financial performance across seven sectors of Pakistan. For this purpose we have used a dataset of 274 non-financial firms of Pakistan which are listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange. The study has used data from seven different sectors of Pakistan over a period 2006 -2015. For econometric technique, random effect model is used for data estimation in order to assess firm performance. The findings imply that earning yield is positively influenced by firm age, sales growth and firm size whereas the relation between earning yield and other independent variables such as financial leverage of the firm and financial sack are showing negative relation. Correlation does not exist among all the variables. Strong financial performance attracts investments from external and internal sources. Enlightened by the results slack resources can be identified as having a financial cost and imparting negative effect on firm performance. The performance of a firm can be enhanced through reinvesting than to increase the amount of savings. Supervisor:- Dr. Farhat Mahmood
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