Corporate Disclosure, Ownership Structure, and Earnings Management: Evidence from Pakistan

This study investigate the impact of corporate disclosure and ownership structure on earning management practices of Pakistani listed firms in a dynamic panel model. Two step system GMM dynamic panel estimator is applied to the listed firm’s data from Pakistan Stock Exchange over the period 2008-2018. The results imply that corporate disclosure has a significant negative impact on the earning management. However, better corporate disclosure causes the reduction in the practice of earning management. Suggesting that firms with high intensity of disclosure will face low manager’s discretions of smooth earnings. Moreover, ownership structure environment including family owners and institutional owners has a significant negative influence on the earning management. Therefore, these variables provide basis of an effective controlling mechanism that will moderate the manager’s discretion over earning management. Hence, findings of the study suggest that corporate disclosure along with ownership structure of family or institutional can play a dynamic vigorous role in the mitigation of earnings management practice in Pakistani context. Supervisor:- Dr. Saud Ahmed Khan

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Author: Deeba Khursheed
Supervisor: Saud Ahmed Khan

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